Seeking English counseling or coaching in Vienna?

I offer cross-cultural understanding and practical clarity in my approach. Specialized coaching available for scientists and researchers in Vienna, Austria. Discover the difference between counseling vs therapy, therapist vs psychologist vs psychiatrist, and coach vs therapist.


Kathrin Humphrey

Counseling & Coaching

Living in a foreign country can be a challenge.
It’s one you don’t have to navigate alone.

Explore your unique challenges in a safe space that offers cross-cultural
understanding and empathy, along with practical clarity.

my Focus

Counseling for Expats

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Coaching for Scientists

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Counseling I Therapy I Psychology I Psychiatry I Coaching
What are the differences?
an explanation »

About Me

Born in the outskirts of East Berlin, I moved abroad directly after finishing high school. I have lived and worked in Ireland, France, Nepal, and Mali, and have studied in Germany, India, and the United States. After working for five years in the field of science policy in Washington D.C., I moved to Vienna with my spouse and young children. Here, I initially supported young families from abroad before taking up a position in strategic science management. I also coordinated scientific advisory boards, with a specialization in sustainability. In search of new challenges, I have returned to my passion of helping individuals: since 2022, I have been supporting expats and scientists who face challenges settling and adjusting to life in Austria.

Relevant professional experience

#Since June 2022 _Counselor in training under supervision & coach in private practice, Vienna

#Since 2023  » Bösel's - beziehungsweise glücklich, Wien _Counseling for couples

#2024  » Verein Jung und Alt, Wien _Gerontological counseling

#2024  » Integrationshaus, Wien _Counseling of refugees

#2015 - 2023  » Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna _Coordinated scientific advisory committees

#2014 – 2015  » Vienna Family Network (VFN), Vienna _Supported international groups of new parents and served as member of the steering committee

#2008 – 2013  » The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington D.C. _Advised participants of capacity building programs, coordinated committees providing science policy advice

Previously, I worked in Dublin (2000), Paris (2001), Pokhara (2002) and Bamako (2006).


#Since Oct 2023 _Business Coach,  » CTC Academy, Vienna

#Since Oct 2020 _Counseling in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy (by Victor Frankl),  » Gesellschaft für Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie, Vienna _Additional Training in "Focusing and Grounding in Existential Analysis"

#2006 – 2008 _M.A. in International Affairs,  » The New School University, New York Yitcy _Fulbright Scholarship

#2002 – 2005 _B.A. in International Business,  » Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (FH) _including semesters abroad in the U.S. and India


As a Counselor in Training under Supervision, I work closely with longstanding counselors and therapists to reflect on my client work. This is done anonymously as I am subject to confidentiality (per § 119 GewO). This means that you benefit not only from my knowledge, but also from the experience of longstanding therapists.

I offer counseling and coaching appointments at Alser Str. 30/7 in 1090 Vienna. Appointments can also take place online, if desired.

To make an appointment, you can reach me via the contact form, by phone at
+43 670 3500 876, or by e-mail at

The initial consultation is an important step in the counseling and coaching process, during which we get to know each other and get a feel for whether we can imagine working together. We clarify your expectations, discuss your concerns, and define your objective(s) for the counseling or coaching process.

The initial consultation and each subsequent session last 50 minutes and cost EUR 50. This amount is an expense allowance and does not constitute a fee. It is not covered by insurance. Payment can be made in cash or via bank transfer.

Appointments can be postponed or canceled up to 24 hours in advance without charge. For cancellations after this time, due to the difficulty of filling the free time slot, full payment for the session would be required.

As a Counselor in Training under Supervision, I do not treat mental or psychiatric illnesses. Counseling or coaching does not replace a visit to a psychotherapist or medical professional.

For companies and international organizations, I offer relocation packages that support new employees and their families during relocation. Please contact me for a customized offer.